
  • Trained & Certified Caregivers

    Our caregivers are trained and certified to provide personal care assistance at all levels. Our caregivers can also offer walking assistance, device assistance, two-person assistance and/or lift assistance. Additionally, a background check is performed for all staff members.

  • Short-Term & Long-Term Care

    Glenhaven AFH provides 24/7 certified onsite caregivers including awake night staff, for both long term and short-term elderly care needs. Our caregivers are always nearby to give 1-on-1 assistance for all activities of daily living.

  • Dietary Management

    Our staff can handle all food service operations, from meal planning and scheduling, to coordinating individual dietary needs and feeding assistance. We prepare healthy and fresh meals in-house every day. Dietary care plans can also be customized to fit preferences.

Always here when you need us.

  • DSHS Memory Care

    Our staff is dementia and memory care trained & they truly understand the importance of providing exceptional Alzheimer's, Dementia, and other memory related illness care. Our goal is to help individuals feel at ease in their new home to do this, we create a custom plan for each individual, tailored to meet their needs.

  • Appointment Management

    Managing your healthcare is a crucial part of our process. From monitoring health needs, scheduling appointments, ordering & picking up medications, arranging transportation to and from your appointments, we’re here whenever you need us.

  • Medication Management

    Our staff is trained in all medication management tasks and are proficient in the DSHS Medication Administration Record platform. They will assist with administering medication, monitoring blood sugar and pressure and charting for all medications administered according to Washington State regulations.